Laura Lin Healing Arts

Laura Lin Healing Arts

  Phone: 1 (413) 717-2193   Address: The Pilates Space 15 Mahaiwe Street Great Barrington, MA - 1230, USA

Laura Lin Healing Arts provides Massage Therapy, Reiki, and Ayurveda in an intimate setting. Relax, release, restore. Be at your best for yourself and others as you prioritize your self-care. Laura Lin Healing Arts empowers you to reach your optimal health through personalized, integrated healing sessions combining massage, Thai massage, and Reiki.

Empower your health, empower yourself! Sometimes we need a little help to heal. And we all need self-care. At Laura Lin Healing Arts, my goal is to meet your needs for care and my passion is to empower you in reaching your health goals and optimal well-being. Why? So that you can look and feel your best and be your most vital self, having the life of your dreams. Specializing in Thai massage, Ayurveda, and Reiki, I create customized treatments addressing the whole being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  My commitment is for you to leave a session feeling relaxed, in tune with your body, and moving forward in your life as you access your innate wisdom and power. I am honored to serve you.

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