

  Phone: (+1) 413-591-0365   Address: 100 Stone Manor Drive New Marlborough, MA - 01230, USA

CMC:Berkshires is a 13 bed residential treatment center opened in 2014. The Center for Motivation and Change has been providing compassionate, collaborative and expert evidence-based treatment for people struggling with substance problems. The Center for Motivation and Change has been providing compassionate, collaborative and expert evidence-based treatment for people struggling with substance problems for the last 10 years in New York City and this is our answer to what residential addiction treatment can be. CMC founders, Jeff Foote, PhD and Carrie Wilkens, PhD teamed with Carrie?s husband Will Regan, leveraging his 25 year hospitality development career, to create this special place. CMC:Berkshires operates under the direct, onsite leadership of Dr. Foote as well as Clinical Director David Lane, PsyD, who has been a senior CMC clinician since 2006.

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